My “family” consists of some friends I’ve made throughout the years. Muhammad is the friend I’ve been friends with the longest. He’s Arabic, and he’s a very social person who likes to talk to everyone he meets. The opposite of me, since I prefer to keep to myself. We became friends in my freshman year of high school. We became friends bonding over failing our first test because we just found it funny when we saw our grades. Which was a pretty random thing to start our friendship over. But over the years he’s been someone I could talk to when I needed some advice or when I just needed someone to tell something. Another friend who I considered to be part of my family is Anthony. We meet a couple of years ago at a car meet. Which was basically people bringing their cars so other people can see and get to know the car community. Anthony is a couple of years older than me. When I first meet him it was a couple of months after I finished high school and he was 22 at the time. He’s someone who really helped me out throughout the past couple of years. After finishing high school he was able to help me get a job. He gave me a job with his family’s flooring company. Which was something I’d never done before but I needed to do something before college started. Anthony somewhat became my role model during those years because he was someone who I could look up to. The last person I would consider part of my family is Nick. He’s Dominican and we became friends in my junior year of high school. He is someone I’m always able to chill with or could have fun with no matter what we do. Such as when we play basketball. I might completely suck at playing but it still ends up being fun.