My mother is a single mother of 3 and works very hard ever since I was little. In the past year, we moved to a new apartment after her split with her ex-boyfriend of 5 years. The transition was hard on her and stressful, but it didn’t stop her from working hard to get an apartment for herself and her kids. Luckily her coworker had a empty apartment in her building and gave my mom the landlords information. Thankfully, we got into that apartment for a somewhat decent rent with a good size considering there was 4 of us. The move was a fresh start for all of us but it was somewhat difficult at first for my mother since she was now in charge of paying for everything instead of splitting with a partner. Because of this, she told me that I should start working to help. So I looked around and worked a couple retail jobs but they always intervened with school and caused me to fail a class once during the beginning semester of my first year of college. I ended up quitting the job so I can focus more on school and make up for that failed class. I talked to my mom about this and we always seem to get into this  disagreement/argument every now and then. I open up to her about how my job is going and how it’s making me slack in school, she agrees then tells me I should quit, I proceed to quit then boom, she gets mad at me for quitting. It’s a constant pattern with this one topic. The conversation would start with me opening up about how the job was and how I feel relieved quitting, she’ll agree but have this weird tone in her voice, then she tries to end the conversation quickly. Couple weeks will go by and she’ll “jokingly” bring up how I’m lazy and don’t want to work. This leads to the argument about struggling with the balance of working and school. I’ll proceed to get a job then if it goes bad again the same cycle continues. It’s a weird pattern we have but hopefully one day she understands my pov.