I would like to write about a public space story. I picked my place where I go to play soccer. It is a place near my house. I usually go in the field and wear my cleats and shirt and kind of seat there for a bit before doing any warmup. I have friends who come before me. They already started practicing. There are some other groups also practicing. In the next field a group always practice football. I think they are some kind of college football team. The reason I say that is because they have their own kits and coaches also. Me and my friends always talk about their kits. Which is kind of funny though. In our soccer field I see some school kids playing on one side of the field. Because you can tell by their outfit. They are screaming, I can hear even when I am sitting on the other side of the field. They have their bags as goal post. Wearing shoes and pants just like school kids. They do not play usually because after running a bit they are feeling tired. Other groups of people who are practicing are older than us definitely. I think they are playing a match. Five players in each group. Some of them were wearing cleats and some normal shoes. They also have different outfits. Some were wearing shorts and some of them were wearing sweatpants. It was cold so some of them were wearing hoodies. My friends were wearing shorts and cleats. They all have their own shirts. They were just juggling with the ball. Because not everyone was here. The weather sun shining. But there was wind. I was ready to play so I got up to play. I saw some other people entering the field from the gate.