One time that I used to be anonymous was when I use to write stories on a story/ book writing app. I used to love writing stories so I wanted to put them in a place where I could receive feedback but not letting people know who I was. The only people that knew were my really close friends. They too would give me some feedback or what I should improve on. In the app so many people were anonymous until they made their big break. I did not want to become famous or well known, just wanted to write as a hobby. I used to write different stories from different genres. I have not written in a long time but if I do I want to continue being anonymous when writing. Remaining anonymous in writing will take the attention out of me and onto the writing itself, which is why I was anonymous and would remain anonymous. I also remained anonymous because I did not want other people to find out about me and my hobby. I’m used to being the quiet girl, so if people found out they would want to talk to me, and I really do not like being in the spotlight. That is why I still try to be anonymous in everything that I do.