The term anonymous is an individual not identified by name or of an unknown name. One specific part of my life that I felt anonymous would have to be my whole time in middle school. This was over a decade ago but there were some moments around that time that I try not to think about. My teachers at the time were extremely hard on me and never helped me improve my work in my first and second years there. Other students didn’t want to be my friend or made fun of how I looked and talked. It felt like I was a ghost for two of those three years there. I realistically had to get by and learn from these issues on my own without my parents help. Learning how to find the right people who didn’t treat me like I wasn’t there. Unfortunately I made very little friends in middle school and this was around the time where I developed some anxiety. There were days I didn’t want to go to school and I sometimes faked sickness so I can stay home and not deal with the hardships of what I dealt with five times a week. I’ve learned a lot from that time but I rather not think of those days. A lot of it weren’t fun times to reminisce over.