Walking through the busy streets of New York City was one of the best memories I have from back in highschool. My highschool was in the City, so after school, I would often just roam around the streets and have fun with them. Recently I started working in the city, so one day after work, I visited Times Square to hang out with a friend. It had been years since we last met, but now we finally had the chance. I took the train there after work, and started walking towards the Starbucks we decided to meet at. As I’m walking in one direction, my friend was walking towards me from the opposite direction. I thought maybe he was coming over to talk to me. But as he got closer, his feet picked up the pace and he walked right by me. I was so confused. We had both decided to hangout, so what happened that he walked away like that. I turned around to call his name, but he was long gone. That’s what goes on in the crowd’s of New York City. I decided to call him. He answered the phone and I asked “Where are you? You passed right by me and pretended like you have never met me before.” He said “I didn’t see you, and if I passed by without an intro or greeting, it’s probably because everyone’s wearing masks, including you and I didn’t recognize you with the mask. I have to go pick something up, I’ll be there in a few.” Then the realization hit me, I’m in a super crowded area where everyone’s wearing masks. How could he possibly see me. I was only able to recognize him because of his scarf. It was the same one he had back in high school because his mom made it for him and it was a very unique but cute scarf. My friend not acknowledging me made me feel anonymous, although it was unintentional. I felt so small; and lost in the crowd as he passed  by me, not even recognizing me.Â