Meet my PlayStation. From my childhood I have been attracted to playing games. I used to play in the phone mostly that time but as I grew up, I learned about this thing called PlayStation. As soon as I knew about that I wanted to have one as well. But my father always denied buying me one. So, when I started working, I decided to save money so I can afford a PlayStation. Took me sometime to save the money but I gathered the money. I finally bought it 3 years ago. The day I got it I was happy, and I think I did not sleep that night because of the excitement. It is a machine as everyone know and it is black. It needs DualShock controller with it. Otherwise you cannot run the machine as you hoped so. It needs cleaning as much as possible. Now a days I think everyone who likes to play games have a PlayStation of their own. I still play in my PlayStation whenever I have free times. The PlayStation I have is PlayStation 4. But now there is a new PlayStation in the market which is PlayStation 5. There will be new generation PlayStation with time I am sure of it. But this particular one I have always will be my favorite. I think it defines me as a gamer or someone who likes to play games. I think when I play, I feel better or something that I enjoy doing. Something that I don’t get bored. I also get to know people from different places around the world while playing online games. I play with my friends which I think is also enjoyable and we get to talk as well. Overall, I would say PlayStation is something meaningful that I bought from my earnings and therefore I wrote about my PlayStation.