I really enjoyed how descriptive this piece is. It started immediately with very specific details on the scenery and what they were feeling during that car ride as to the wind coming in from the window to what they were hearing on the radio. Also how the driver is being described with “canine teeth, dog teeth” it makes me view the driver in a dark light. In general the way the author is very specific with detail adds more to the reading experience. It makes it more intriguing. I also enjoy how there’s this back and forth concept going on throughout this piece where she describes a specific encounter but doesn’t finish it instead she talks about other stuff relating to it then jumps back to it. For me that added a sense of curiosity suspense which made me want to keep reading to finish the story. It was hard to read the part with the domestic violence because i’ve witnessed the same type of encounter growing up however it you can tell it was written with pure and strong emotion. It was heartbreaking to hear the outcome of her divorce court situation and you can feel that emotion while reading it.