I am not born here. I came from Bangladesh about 3 years ago. When I came here, I got to know a person who was like my age. He was a family friend. His name is Hasan. First time I met him in my house when he and his mom came to our house. First, we did not talk that much honestly. But somehow, we started talking about games. And we started to connect. We started playing together in PlayStation. And then gradually we started to hang out together. He has a car, so we used to go out in the night with some of his friend together. It was fun. He also helped me when I was trying to get into college. He is my first friend when I came here and did not know anyone. But Hasan helped me to cope with the new place. He helped me in many situations. We are very good friends now. Our college is not same, but we still go out together sometimes.