Aninda Das                                                                            8/5/22 

                                      “Meet My Watch” 

                     The first time I received my watch was in 11th grade. I went to Aude mars Piguet in Manhattan New York after I ordered the watch in that particular store. When I first saw it, I was really happy it felt like it was a worthy object to keep. When I was trying on the watch both my parents, were there to see and pick the right size. My first watch that I received in hand was the Aude mars Piguet Royal Oak the color was silver and mostly feel like it is made of steal.  The watch doesn’t really have a smell it’s just normal and when you open it feels like a newly handcrafted object. From the time on I put the watch on it had a lot of meaning like bringing up my confidence and changing my mind and making it stronger. Every day I wore the watch I felt like it was an important child hood piece for me which came through lots of sacrifices. 

                Having a watch on is important for people it gives them more value and power. For me this watch gives an example to other people of who I ‘am and what I am capable as a man.  Anyone can look back at their past times and it shows how much I was in control of life and came through obstacles. As I look back, I realize how far I came in life. My best reward for owning this object is being a trustable and loyal person helping my parents in any way possible and a man others can look up too. If this watch had to be given off too someone as a gift it would be my father. Because he was the one who taught me how important it is to very loyal to yourself and doing everything I can to develop myself as a man. Making important decisions in your life that will help you and sacrifice for the good. And to this day he works day and night to support our family I would definitely give a thank you for everything.