A friendship that has been significant to me is my bestfriend, whose name is Rafi. He’s my bestfriend from back home, in Bangladesh. We been best friends since we were five years old. We basically grew up together in the same apartment we use to live in. I first met him in the nearest park from our apartment. I remember I was riding my bike while he was playing soccer and he wanted to ride my bike so badly so I let him. After that we had conversations and got to know each other. This was when I found out that we both lived in the same apartment building. He lived on the fifth floor while I lived on the fourth floor, so we were able to go to each others place and play video games or play with toy cars etc. But we weren’t introverted we were extroverted, so we would go outside most of the time. We would go to the park, and either play soccer or cricket. We played soccer most of the time and then later on we started playing badminton, which is also very popular in Bangladesh. He is significant to me, because he is someone I can be open about things that I wouldn’t share with any other friends. He is also able to share his personal life stories with me too. We have that trust in each other. He is more of a brother to me than a bestfriend.