Prof. Jessica Penner | D304 | Spring 2022

Lisa Narinedhat, Memoir 1 (Revised)

Ever since I was young, I always had a strong passion for music. I started singing and acting when I was in elementary school and it went on until middle school. I never really played any instruments besides the fake toy instrument sets when I was a baby, but as I got older, I started getting interested in learning how to play the guitar and piano. This interest started at the beginning of High School when I was introduced to it from classes I had to take.

When I started High School, I had to take a guitar class because it was required. At first I was skeptical because I never played a guitar and I didn’t know much about how to play it, so I assumed I wasn’t going to be good at it. Turns out I became pretty decent. It took some time but I caught on and my teacher was great at guiding us but he was also so genuinely intrigued in music that it made the class so much more fun. It wasn’t until the end of sophomore year that our school decided to add a piano class as well which was also required for the year. I ended up taking that class and surprisingly, I caught onto piano more faster than guitar. At first the teacher came off a little strict and I was honestly second guessing staying in the class. But overtime, he loosened up a bit and I can also see he was very passionate about music. Seeing others feel very passionate about a hobby and they show that passion while teaching it just makes me very happy. Having no experience at all with playing piano, my teacher was very shocked at how quickly I caught onto it and said maybe I was just gifted. Hearing this from my teacher did motivate me to learn more because it felt great hearing that from a professional. I as well motivated myself because I saw how quick I caught onto it. My first song I learned on piano was the classic Fur Elise by Beethoven. Piano in general sounds so classy and beautiful that it was a stronger interest of mine to learn it than guitar. I used to listen to piano songs to help me go to sleep and the calmness that this instrument creates grabbed my attention.

I had friends that played other instruments really well such as bass, guitar and drums and also had a close friend who is an amazing singer. So during junior year we formed a band and performed for school concerts at times. We would have winter concert, end of semester celebration concerts etc. Our band consisted of the known music players at my school which included me and that was how we decided to get together for these performances. Even outside of school performances, we would meet and just jam out for fun. Some songs we enjoyed playing for shows or just at our jam sessions were Imagine Dragons songs, old songs from Michael Jackson, Bee Gees, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Lauryn Hill, Santana the list goes on. We started to practice Bohemian Rhapsody but never got to finish cause of Covid. Jam practice was always great vibes we had a group of great chill people. I used to always stay after school or go very early before class just so I could have some time to practice new songs I wanted to learn since I didn’t have my own piano at home. Eventually they added an after school program for band which I was in for a while which was very fun.

Christmas time was around the corner and I kept bringing up wanting a piano to my mom but she kept ignoring me so eventually I stopped bringing it up. I told myself I would just save Christmas money from the family and buy myself my piano. When Christmas morning came, everyone was opening their gifts and my mom came out of her room with a huge box. All my siblings automatically turned to me and started giggling. I asked my mom who was it for and she just handed it to me and said Merry Christmas. I looked at her confused but took the gift and started unwrapping it and there it was. A piano. Well, a keyboard but I just call it piano. It was a Casio CTK-2550 keyboard. It was so cool because it had this app function as well on it where I can connect with an app and create more sounds and such.I was in complete shock since I truly didn’t expect her to get it for me since she kept ignoring me when I brung it up.

Since then I have been learning new pieces and songs on it and I’ve gotten even better at it. For now I mainly play just for fun and to teach myself something new. I’m not looking to perform anything anytime soon although I do miss that feeling of performing. My piano represents me because everyone that knows me knows i’m a big music head. I love how beautiful the piano sounds and just instruments in general. Nothing beats the feeling of hearing a beautiful instrument sound for the first time and that is what gravitates me towards it. Music is a blessing to me. It has made me recognize what talents I carry, made me create amazing lifetime friendships and it makes me the happiest even on the darkest days. Music is a beautiful escape from reality. Over all the other hobbies I’ve tried, music is just the top thing that never bores me. I do enjoy art but I notice I get bored easily with it whereas with music its very rare for that to happen. I’ve started listening to more rock and metal music and now i’m leaning more towards buying an electric guitar to teach myself so that hopefully I can get as good at it as I am with piano. But i’ll get myself that for my birthday.


  1. Adrian Polanco

    What I like the most about this memoir is the fact that I relate towards the passion of wanting to play certain musical instruments. When you hear something for the first time or hear a professional play it, it feels like a new sensation, you get goosebumps and want to learn. And I’m glad you were able to pick up on the instruments you enjoyed and expand on your music taste.

  2. Gabriel Martinez

    The ending is a great example of dedication and gratitude. Once you got the keyboard, you used it and continue to use it extensively and learn new songs on it

  3. Rabbi

    I always wanted to be good at guitar or playing something but I tried once and I am so bad at it. But you are really into music. I hope you get the guitar this birthday. Learning music from any music teacher?

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