The 3 discourse communities that I am part of are a sports club, a fitness club and a study group. The sports club that I am currently in we as a team attend weekly practice sessions that helps us improve as a team so we can be even better when the time comes to games and tournaments. The core value I would say that resides within this group is never ending passion for soccer and the drive to constantly improve as a player and individual, some assumptions about this group can be that we are too upfront and tight when it comes to letting players in which is true we only want people who have real talent and a burning passion for soccer, the main way we communicate is through Facebook chat since it’s convenient for everyone as a whole. A huge problem we say that we currently face is not having a dedicated coach which everyone would give massive value and attention to. The fitness club that I also am currently in is basically comprised of my friends who goes to gym on a regular basis, the basic value of this group is to also constantly seek ways of being dedicated to the fitness life and the drive to be more healthy day by day, some assumptions about this group is that we don’t let people who are overly obese in and that’s not true since as long as the person has the drive and dedication to pursue that lifestyle they are always welcomes. The main way we communicate is through Instagram since it’s convenient for us. One big problem we face quite often is the lack of motivation since some days some of the people including me feel extremely lazy and on those days we rely on our friends to pick us up and push us. The last club or rather group I am part of is a study group which is composed of students who attend my class. The main value that we all share is to help each other understand better so we can do better in tests and quizzes, the main way we all communicate is through WhatsApp. One big problem that we face is that sometimes people have different answers and then if someone points out one person is wrong they can get a bit defensive about it.