Dear future student of English 1121,

I encourage you to think about why you are taking this class and what you aim to take away from this class once it’s all said and done. For me, it was extremely helpful to reaffirm why I was taking this class and what I felt was important for me to take away from it. I needed this class to pursue my higher education goal of finishing my nursing degree, but I also wanted to become a better writer because I realized writing is a form of communication that we use everyday. Every time I was stressed and felt that my day was dragging, I almost always reminded myself of why I wanted to be here despite the adversity. I told myself constantly that the person 6 months ago would die to be where I am now, and that meant I was progressing. Reaffirmation is a helpful tool for those who struggle with adversity. I also encourage future students to fully commit. During our semester there were a few people who started strong, but by the end they were no longer seen in class. Enrolling in class is a start, and students should always strive to finish what they started. Constantly remind yourself that you are great, motivate yourself to get to class, and try your best to go above and beyond when turning in writing assignments. Those were my keys to success and I hope they serve you well.

Allen Luo.