Before class on Monday, May 16, students will…

  • Read my Announcement.
  • Work on their Final Reflection and Final Portfolio.

On Monday, May 16, we will…

DISCUSS the following questions:

  • If you could turn back time, what would you do differently in this class?
  • Which major reading (Douglass’s speech, Wollstonecraft’s letter, Sophocles’ play Antigone) did you enjoy the most? Why?
  • Which major reading did you enjoy the least? Why?
  • Which major writing assignment did you enjoy the most? Why?
  • Which major writing assignment did you enjoy the least? Why?
  • What do you wish we would’ve spent more time discussing/working on?


  • Feel free to ask any questions about the Final Reflection and Portfolio!


  • We will work individually on either the Reflection or the Portfolio, so be sure to bring your laptops/tablets or a notebook!

During and after class on Wednesday, May 18, we will…


  • We will review how to submit your Final Portfolio (with examples).
  • Q&A about the Final Reflection and Final Portfolio.


  • Write a Post titled Full Name, Final Portfolio and saved under Final Portfolio Work. Include the Final Reflection, U1 Writing Assignment, U2 Writing Assignment, U3 Writing Assignment, and (optional) UX Revision in the post.
    • Please follow the instructions on the Final Portfolio assignment page!
    • SUBMIT Final Reflection and Portfolio Assignment by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May 18.
  • Write a post titled Full Name, Letter to a Future Student. Save it under Final Reflection Work. In the post, write a letter to a student taking this class next semester. Give advice to a future student about to take this class. What would you tell them? (Consider the questions we discussed on Monday to help guide your letter.)
    • Submit this post by the end of class. If you are absent, you have until class on Monday, May 23 to submit this final low-stakes writing assignment!

On Monday, May 23…

  • We are scheduled to have class, but I am not going to require attendance as long as you have turned in the Full Name, Letter to a Future Student by class time on Monday. Remember to save it under Final Reflection Work.
  • I, however, will be there, working on your grades and checking our website. If you would like to stop by to ask any questions or just to say hello, feel free!

Check your GradeBook for this class!

  • Review the low-stakes writing assignments and major writing assignments.
  • If any of the assignments aren’t given a check mark or a numerical score, and you know that you did the assignment or you would like to make up the low-stakes assignments please email me the links to my GMAIL account by 11:59 PM on Monday, May 23.
    • I will not accept any make up low-stakes assignments after the above date. I have to turn in grades very quickly after the semester is over–so there’s no wiggle room here!