Prof. Jessica Penner | D463 | Spring 2022

Shafin, Sikder Social Justice Brainstorm.

How has racial profiling affected black Americans throughout New York? State at least two different perspectives regarding the issue.

After my research I’ve found that racial profiling is a serious issue in the United States since it had caused massive outcries after many cops and people had killed other people making the single difference being their skin color. There are many famous cases that outlines racial profiling such as the Ahmaud Arbery cases which is extremely famous since a black male was killed due to the fact that couple of white males had seen him joggling through their neighborhood and thought of him as a burglar and decided that killing him was the best idea when in reality he was just an innocent black male who happened to cross paths with some of the most vile men’s of society.


  1. Sateen

    You chose a good question, and you know what you want to talk about but I feel like the place you want to talk about should be more narrowed down. You could probably talk about Texas or a place you feel like racial profiling affects people the most in.

  2. Daniel Vidal

    I was able to understand your topic about racial profiling here in New York. Another example of racial profiling would be during covid many asian americans where being targeted just because of their race during the beginning of covid-19 which was very unfair and cruel because they had no relation to the spread of that.

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