Some adjectives of Antigone are risk taking, rebellious, and passionate. I chose these adjectives for Antigone because she wants to bury both of her brothers even though it is forbidden to do that. Some adjectives of Ismene are blonde, and obedience. I chose the adjective obedience for Ismene because she is making sure she doesn’t go against anything and she is trying to make sure her sister follows the rules. The actress I would cast in the role of Antigone would probably be Angelina Jolie because I feel like she’s a great actress when it comes to playing someone who is willing to take risks, and be the odd one out of the bunch. I’m not so sure who would be good to cast in the role for Ismene.

If Creon lived in today’s world, the social media platform that his monologue would appear on is Facebook. I feel like he would use this platform because he would be able to express how he feels although he’ll get some backlash that’s something he does need so it’ll humble him. Also, there is a lot of people like him on facebook so some of them would relate to things he would have to say. The traits he has that would make him choose this platform would be how sexist, and ignorant he is.