I found it easier to express my thoughts through speech because it allowed me to explain things differently than I would have through a traditional academic essay. For example, when I gave a description of my neighborhood in my speech, I took my time describing certain details. This is something that I wouldn’t have done in a traditional essay because I feel like it does not make sense in that context. I feel like reading Douglass helped me a bit in helping me figure out what words to use in certain sentences. Like when I had to ā€œtalkā€ to my audience in my speech. Through writing this speech, I learned that I was not as passionate as I thought I was about my issue. However, I did learn that I was more passionate than I thought about my neighborhood. I can see myself using the skills I gained writing this project in my future when I have to talk in front of a small group of people, discuss issues with them as well as explaining my thinking behind certain choices to them.