I am choosing the speech model due to the fact that a speech will probably make a bigger impact than a letter would. I think it’s fair to say that when someone thinks of change, or a big event in history, a speech will at least cross their mind. When I think of change, I think of speeches such as the MLK, “I have a dream” speech, “The Gettysburg Address”, etc. I can’t name one famous letter that I know of, though that may just be me. That is the reason I chose a speech, it just makes more sense to go with it if you’re trying to make change. It would help me personally with my issue because I will treat it as if I were talking to a group of people in front of me that are there to hear me speak. I will begin by introducing my topic and the issue. I will then go on to talk about my neighborhood, with in depth details. I want the audience to get a very good picture in their head of what I am describing to them. I will tell them all the details from my experience when I go out. After this, I will talk about one specific project which took place in the neighborhood, the good and the bad. I will mention its effects to my audience such as increased rent. Throughout these points, I will be referring to some articles which I found my data from. I will also towards the end put in what a friend of mine thought about the topic, and a possible solution they think can help the problem facing our community. At the end, along with the interview response, I will also mention how some steps are already being made in the right direction, and how it can help the community.