1. “The reference book that the systhematic botanists employ for keying put the plants they are studying have a shelf -life for decades… While in the Computer Center, the shelf -life of computer manuals, etc, is often just a matter of months before an update appears or some patch is incorporated.”
    I found this to be really interesting and o didn’t know how constantly a certain field change its books and its manuals and where as another one rarely does ever. But when i think about it more it would make sense for certain areas to keep updating because it seems every years scientist are updating the periodic table.

2. “ However it is unclear whether, in this era of cell-phones, family dispersion, a fluid and uncertain job market for the young, the rise of international trade, and the decline pf local crafts and industries, traditional speech communities continue to exist in meaningful numbers.”

This caught my attention because it seems that as time goes on traditional stuff is being left behind, some good some bad. But it also draws the question is that with what is replacing these traditional methods more or less useful and efficient then its past placeholder. And i do believe speech communities is an important apart to society and with the way it can be becoming extinct due to the many things that was listed in the quote, so what is a way for the new changed world to still have the the good aspects of the traditional way has?