I think Wollstonecraft is writing this letter to inform some lawmakers on how women are marginalized compared to men and how their rights when it comes to certain things are very limited. Wollstonecraft sees this as an issue since she believes in equality and how everyone should be treated equally and fairly. After reading this I would identify Wollstone’s discourse community to be composed of women and the female population in general. The recipient seems to be part of this community since she describes a lot of the events from her personal point of view.

I think Young was presenting this speech since she wanted to bring light to a more serious issue that goes on in society everyday that has impacted her and countless others like her in many different ways. Young sees this as an issue since disable people are always looked down upon in some aspects and she explains this by giving us example of how disable people get applause for just being able to get out of bed as in if it’s something of a huge achievement to be able to do that and she feels that it’s wrong of people to congratulate disable people for just getting out of bed since she does also believes that everyone should be treated equally regardless of anything. Young’s discourse community tends to be people in general since she is trying to bring awareness to a serious issue. Young is also part of this group since she is disabled.