K Pelka | COMD1340 - OL98| Fall2020

Discussion 3

Some of Bresson’s ideas on how compositional elements can come together in a decisive moment come from mostly unplanned events and different scenery. Bresson captures photos in moments and doesn’t allow himself to rush waiting for the right moment to shoot a photo. Compositional elements such as scenery, placement and or position can effect the depth of a photo in a decisive moment. He allows these quick decisions made even if it can make or break a photo, meaning decisive photos cannot be retaken in the same exact way.He allows himself to move to places so he can capture a special essence of the place.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Pelka

    He doesn’t rush and thinks about what could be in the final photo, but when he shoots he is very quick to catch the moment. The key here is thinking about what is important for the photo. He takes a lot of photos, some work and some are not successful. He developed his vision by seeing what he liked and didn’t like in his images. Not all pics are successful but they lead(by clarifying your choices) to the good ones. Watch the light, work the subject, frame and compose.

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