Author Archives: Laura Palendeng

Culinary & Baking Classes!

Today was such an exciting day for us because it was the first day of our culinary and baking classes! The classes started at 9 in the morning, and we were informed that it would take us about 1.5 hours to get to the school from our hotel, so we left at 6:30 in the morning. To get to the school, we had to take the Metro to Saint Lazzare, transfer to the RER train, and then once we got off the RER train, we still had to take the bus again!


On our way to the school!

…We finally made it to the school, and over there, they served us some small croissants and pain au chocolat for our breakfast. They were so yummy!


Evan made coffee for everyone.








After everyone ate their breakfast, we were then got split into two different groups: Group A and Group B. Each group had to do different thing; Group B was assigned to do the culinary stuff, and Group A, which was my group, we had to do the baking today. I was very excited when I found out that my team were going to make the macaroons! Macaroons are my favorite and I’ve always wanted to learn how to make them, but I heard they are a little hard to make because they are very delicate. So I was very excited that I get the chance to learn how to make them in France with a French professor. How cool is that? (:


Macaron flavors of the day!


Prof teaching us the proper way to pipe the mixture


Salted Caramel filling for the macaroon!


My teammate, Michelle, doing the piping.



Group B was busy plating their dishes

After both teams were done preparing their dish and dessert, we then served them on the dining table for us and our professors to eat.


Once we were done eating, we had to go back to the kitchen and clean everything up. Everyone did a good job with their dish and also cleaning the kitchen. Dennis from the CLT would be pretty proud if he was there to do the inspection lol


Good job team! #CityTech

Then, at night time, my sister and I decided to cook some dinner instead of eating out. Turns out, John and Evan were also cooking dinner. So we decided to do a little pot luck, we brought the stuffs that we cooked over to John’s room and ate our dinner together over there. We had such a good time. Eating, laughing, dancing, and singing together.



John with his chix parm


IMG_5426 Evan with his chix parm!




