Bonjour mes amies!
As with the previous three days, we left Vanves early this morning to arrive in Brunoy in time to be dressed and ready to work at 9:00AM. Today’s journey was slightly bittersweet because after today we no longer have to wake up very early as it was also our fourth and final day of kitchen coursework at Institut Saint-Pierre!
We quickly got to work on the menu for our special lunch. It was special not because it was our last day but because some of our French colleagues who recently visited New York were also in attendance for lunch. It was great to see them again and exchange stories of our travels. On the menu, we had warm salmon and pate de tete with seasonal vegetables for an appetizer, followed by our main course, chicken fricassee with wild rice pilaf and mushroom velouté. In the pastry kitchen we created several types macaroons – both sweet and savory, including lemon, coconut, salmon and foie gras.
Prior to lunch service, each of us were presented with a Certificat de Formation. After our time of celebration, we served and enjoyed our lunch. During our time at Saint-Pierre, we had an enjoyable and educational experience with Chef Chartier and Chef Lalin. Our chefs exhibited patience and it is evident that they love what they do.
It’s hard to believe we have only three full days left of our program! It’s almost time to say À Bientôt to the City of Light.
Below are some pictures taken today.
Au revoir et merci d’avoir lu ce “post”. (Good Bye and thanks for reading!)

Adriana can’t believe it’s our last day in the kitchen either!!

Our instructors, Chef Sandrine et Chef Nicolas!!! Thank you, chefs!!

Today’s appetizer

Coconut macaroons

The future of the hospitality industry! Great job, everyone!