Monthly Archives: May 2016

Jour Deux- The End of the Beginning

Hi, Everyone.

Our Immersion Class continued today. It was our last time meeting together before we head to France.


Students attentively listening to Professors Hoffman and Warner

The day began with Professors Hoffman & Warner going over vital information and other documents in preparation for our trip, including the 2016 Edition of Hoffman’s Guide! Professor Hoffman gives us so much insight about the City of Light, from restaurant recommendations to Things to Do in and around Paris.


Hoffman’s Guide to Paris 2016

We watched an informative and fun video about packing. Here’s the link: How To: Pack Like A Pro

Professor Duchamp went over some more important phrases to help us while in France, especially in the restaurant setting. Merci, Professor Duchamp for getting us ready.

Here’s a picture of a Petit Dejeuner (breakfast) menu.

After months of planning and preparation, the time is now here. We are all very excited about traveling to France next week and it’s great that you get to come along with us!

Stay tuned. À bientôt!


Paris Correspondent 2016

As the end of the school year approaches for New York City College Of Technology we get ready for another year of the Thomas Ahrens International Work/Study Program. The year has flown by and here we are once again, getting our bags packed for Paris, France.

Eiffel Tower

Today marked the first day of the French language and culture immersion. Professors Hoffman and Warner start off the morning by going over assignments and last minute questions before turning it over to Professor Duchamp.



Professor Damien Duchamp went over Parisian Culture, do’s and don’ts and street safety. Just like in New York City, we have to be very aware of our surroundings.

Tomorrow,  we have one more day to prepare ourselves as a group, I have some helpful podcasts and apps below that were really helpful for me.


Here is a great podcast that teaches you basic French phrases.




The Ulmon maps work great offline, just be sure to  open them up before you go so you fully download them.

See you all tomorrow!!

Mayra B.