The Process

This project was interesting and enjoyable because we got to learn so much about 3d objects when it comes to digital and drawing. One thing that I found so fascinating was when you make a simple shape in Illustrator like making line using the pen tool, a circle, or a small square that it can turn into a whole different shape when turn into 3D. I also learned that when you make these shapes and make them revolve or extrude that it gives them a whole different shape as well the shape gets a width and depth. This also is the same when drawing theses shapes I was never good at drawing 3D shapes, but after having an experience with 3D shapes in Illustrator it gives me a bit more of information on how we can turn these flat shapes into 3D shapes that are no longer flat. Overall I had lots of fun with this project because once you understand how to use revolve and extrude with the shapes you can make so many compositions that can tell a story or just make random shapes, but make them connected so its not just all over the place. I can’t wait to use what I learn in this project so I can make more of these in the future.