Carol Diamond | OL04 | Spr 2022

Esmeralda’s Project 5: Layers and Transparency – Triad Palettes

In this project we experimented with transparency and layers. First, we discover by taking notes about layers and transparency and researching examples where there is usage of it. Then, we did our own composition to practice , using Adobe Illustrator, abstract shapes and a triad palette. Next, we worked on photoshop. We choose a theme, mine and my partner choose outer space – ocean creatures. We looked for images and created a composition using the opacity tool, masking, and layering.

I enjoyed doing this project, I think it was a smooth project since we kind of combine what we have learned like palettes, overlap, repetition, contrast, scale. New concepts were transparency and layers. I knew the opacity tool and had used before which is the one we use to create transparency. It was interesting looking for examples of how transparency is used in design and art. I think doing these projects is where you actually stop and really think deep about the techniques used which is the purpose of the project as well as putting it in practice. Also, I liked doing the PS composition and how it turned out. It really makes a big difference using transparency in compositions where there are many visual elements.

1 Comment

  1. Adrika Hoque

    I love how your final composition came out! Its a really good blend of outer space and ocean life and the layering and different opacities of objects help the theme come together. The contrasting textures really help push this eccentric whimsical environment. Its almost like I’m “swimming” through space.

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