Preliminary Thumbnails. Pencil on sketchpad.
Preliminary Thumbnails. Pencil on sketchpad.
Concept Development
Line Exploration: Arcs
Line Exploration: Diagonal
Line Exploration: Vertical & Horizontal

Project 1: Lines

            In the line project we were introduced to the three basic types of lines: horizontal and vertical, diagonal, and arcs or circles. Through our first exercise we set to discover interesting patterns and or shapes or figures that occurred when there was a limitation to using only one of the three types of lines as the only rule. Though frustrating at first, after a while the lines became more natural, and I was able to find a lot of options to choose from for my preliminary thumbnails.  The preliminary thumbnails allowed us to quickly pick out the ideas that we liked form our original free sketch and then single them out. 

            The next step was a conference with my peers so that I could decide which thumbnails I would develop further. I liked this step because I am usually very analytical of every choice set before me, so this was extremely helpful in accelerating the design process. After picking our favorites, I was then able to create two more iterations of the chosen designs to them confer again with my peers and once again choose the best ones to develop for the final sketch.

            I learned that a lot of the shapes and things that we already know are composed of only one type of line. I learned to dissect the things that I saw around me to see if I found the horizontal, diagonal, or circular pattern and lines. Through the pictures that I took I learned to shift my perspective to highlight these lines found in my everyday life. I learned to have limitations but still find the freedom to express the feelings and themes of my pieces. I look forward to playing with more types of lines and exploring what else I can do regardless of the limitations set forth.