Welcome to the website for “Opening Gateways to Completion: Open Digital Pedagogies for Student Success in STEM.” In the menus above you can explore the our activity in OER Development and Faculty Professional Development. For more information about the project, check out About the Project and Meet the team.
Resources for MAT 1275 and MAT 1375
MAT 1275
MAT 1275 model course site on OpenLab:
MAT 1275 course outline (on the math department website):
MAT 1275CO course outline (on the math department website):
Materials developed by Fellows for MAT 1275
MAT 1375
MAT 1375 model course site on OpenLab:
MAT 1375 syllabus with videos:
Sample activity for MAT 1375 (by Kate Poirier)
Welcome Opening Gateways Fellows!
We welcome the Opening Gateways Fellows who will spend the next year meeting, thinking, reading, and working to integrate Open Educational Resources and active learning strategies in the math classroom. This second cohort of Fellows, consisting of full and part time faculty from City Tech and BMCC, will kick off their year of participation in the program at the first seminar meeting September 8th. To follow their work, take a look at the 2017-18 Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar site.
We look forward to working with you, and to seeing your passion and creativity in the seminar and in the classroom. Welcome!
Year 2 in review
Opening Gateways is a 5 year collaboration between the New York City College of Technology and the Borough of Manhattan Community College with the goal of supporting student success in gateway mathematics courses for STEM disciplines (read more about Opening Gateways). The second year of the Opening Gateways project comes to a close on September 30th, 2017. It has been an exciting and eventful year, focussed on supporting and enhancing the college algebra and trigonometry courses at City Tech (MAT 1275) and BMCC (MAT 056). In addition to ongoing efforts developing WeBWorK and other Open Educational Resources (OERs), we had the pleasure of working with the first cohort of Opening Gateways Fellows as they participated in the Opening Gateways seminar and implemented OERs and active learning strategies in the classroom. Here is a brief look at our activities:
Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar
The first annual cohort of faculty fellows (23 in all, across two campuses) joined the project in Fall 2016 and spent the semester attending an intensive seminar series. Participants explored active learning, open digital pedagogy, open educational resources, flipped classrooms, WeBWorK, video development, advisement best practices, and STEM application development. In the Spring semester faculty fellows implemented what they learned in the classroom, bringing together resources and practices to enhance their teaching and reflecting on the results. They presented their work at the Opening Gateways Colloquium in May. You can take a closer look at the first year faculty seminar activities on the 2016-2017 Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar OpenLab site.
The second cohort of fellows joined the project this month – this group will focus on the same courses for a second year, MAT 1275 at City Tech and MAT 056 at BMCC, extending and expanding the work of the first cohort and helping to solidify best practices for future years. Their experiences will be documented on the 2017-2018 Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar OpenLab site.
Open Educational Resources
Our OER development teams were closely involved in the faculty seminar activities, providing technical and pedagogical support for the resources they had developed and collecting valuable feedback as these resources were used in the classroom in a variety of ways. Ongoing work is taking place to refine and improve resources based on this feedback, and to enhance and extend resources in response to needs identified over the course of the year. OER development has included custom WeBWorK assignments mirroring the course syllabi and integrating pedagogical best practices, as well as custom video development and development of a video resource site on the OpenLab.
OpenLab-WeBWorK Integration
Team members at City Tech have worked closely with external developers to design and build this exciting technological integration of two open source platforms, WeBWorK and WordPress/BuddyPress (the technology underlying the OpenLab). The system underwent testing in Fall 2016 and was rolled out across all City Tech Fellows’ sections in Spring 2017. Enhancements, including new feature development, are taking place and will be ready for testing in Fall 2017. You can take a look at current activity by visiting the WeBWorK on the OpenLab site.
Year 1 in review
Opening Gateways is a 5 year collaboration between the New York City College of Technology and the Borough of Manhattan Community College with the goal of supporting student success in gateway mathematics courses for STEM disciplines (read more about Opening Gateways). The first year of the Opening Gateways project came to close on September 30th, 2016. It has been a very full year as the grant team has worked to plan and implement the first Faculty Seminar, to develop a suite of Open Education Resources for the initial courses at City Tech (MAT 1275) and BMCC (MAT 056), and initiate various other projects at both campuses. Here is a brief look at our activities so far:
Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar
The seminar teams at both campuses have collaborated to plan, recruit and begin implementing an intensive year-long faculty professional development program. The Faculty Seminar kicked off in September 2016 with an initial cohort of 24 participants (12 from each campus). Faculty members have so far explored active learning, open digital pedagogy, open educational resources, flipped classrooms, and other topics, with upcoming seminars on topics including WeBWorK, video development, advisement best practices, and STEM application development. In the Spring semester our faculty fellows will be implementing these techniques in the classroom and reporting back on the results. You can take a closer look at the faculty seminar activities on the 2016-2017 Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar OpenLab site.
Open Educational Resource Development
Our OER teams have developed a complete suite of WeBWorK assignments for the initial gateway courses at each campus, integrating new WeBWorK technology like scaffolded problems and adaptive assignments. These assignments are being piloted in the Fall semester and will be used by the faculty fellows in the Spring semester. The teams have also worked to expand and enhance the video resources available for faculty, producing new videos as well as developing a topic-based directory of exemplary pre-existing content. Faculty fellows will soon be producing OERs as well, focusing on STEM applications of essential topics, to be implemented in their Spring courses.
WeBWorK/OpenLab Integration
Team members have worked closely with external developers to design and build this exciting technological integration of two open source platforms, WeBWorK and WordPress/BuddyPress (the technology underlying the OpenLab). The initial release went live in October and is currently being tested in a limited number of sections of MAT 1275 at City Tech – you can take a look at current activity by visiting the WeBWorK on the OpenLab site.
Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar – Call for Fellows
We are seeking City Tech faculty members to join the Opening Gateways initiative as part of a community of fellows engaged in this effort. Fellows will be introduced to – and work collaboratively to create – open-source digital technologies, open educational resources, and active learning pedagogies for their use in MAT 1275 and beyond.
Full and part time faculty are encouraged to apply. Participants will be compensated through release time (full time faculty) and stipends (part time faculty). The application deadline is February 22, 2016.
For the application and for more information, please see the attached Call for Fellows or contact the Opening Gateways Seminar Co-Directors, Marianna Bonanome at mbonanome@citytech.cuny.edu or Laura Ghezzi at lghezzi@citytech.cuny.edu.
- Application due date: February 22, 2016
- For more details, see the Call for Fellows.
- To apply, complete the online application form at http://tinyurl.com/OpeningGatewaysApplication.
Best Regards,
Marianna Bonanome and Laura Ghezzi
Co-Directors, Opening Gateways Seminar
Welcome to Opening Gateways
You’ve reached the OpenLab site for “Opening Gateways to Completion: Open Digital Pedagogies for Student Success in STEM.” To learn more about us, check out the About Us page, or explore the menus above.
Keep your eye on this space for information about our activities and opportunities to get involved. Welcome!
The Opening Gateways Team