Category Archives: Seminar

Welcome Opening Gateways Fellows!

We welcome the Opening Gateways Fellows who will spend the next year meeting, thinking, reading, and working to integrate Open Educational Resources and active learning strategies in the math classroom.   This second cohort of Fellows, consisting of full and part time faculty from City Tech and BMCC, will kick off their year of participation in the program at the first seminar meeting September 8th.  To follow their work, take a look at the 2017-18 Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar site.

We look forward to working with you, and to seeing your passion and creativity in the seminar and in the classroom.  Welcome!

Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar – Call for Fellows

We are seeking City Tech faculty members to join the Opening Gateways initiative as part of a community of fellows engaged in this effort. Fellows will be introduced to – and work collaboratively to create – open-source digital technologies, open educational resources, and active learning pedagogies for their use in MAT 1275 and beyond.

Full and part time faculty are encouraged to apply. Participants will be compensated through release time (full time faculty) and stipends (part time faculty). The application deadline is February 22, 2016.

For the application and for more information, please see the attached Call for Fellows or contact the Opening Gateways Seminar Co-Directors, Marianna Bonanome at or Laura Ghezzi at

Best Regards,
Marianna Bonanome and Laura Ghezzi
Co-Directors, Opening Gateways Seminar