OER at City Tech

Tag: Mechanical Engineering Technology (Page 4 of 6)

New and Noteworthy OER 3/26

New and Noteworthy is the City Tech Library OER Team’s weekly roundup of new and noteworthy OER. We try to include at least one OER relevant to each school at City Tech in every post. At the end of the month, these resources will be compiled and distributed by the library liaison for your department. Please contact us if you know of new or particularly interesting OER to share with our colleagues or would like more information about OER initiatives at City Tech. 

Arts & Sciences 

  1. Reframing Digital Humanities, by Julian Chambliss (2021). License: CC BY-NC-SA
    “Defining digital humanities is a unique academic challenge. In this volume, Julian Chambliss, Professor of English at Michigan State University, explores the meaning, practice, and implication of digital humanities by talking to scholars deeply engaged with digital methods and the promise they hold for the humanities”
  2. Introduction to Psychology, by Jorden A. Cummings and Lee Sanders, University of Saskatchewan (2020). License: CC BY-NC-SA.
    “This introductory text has been created from a combination of original content and materials compiled and adapted from a number of open text publications […] This version of the text includes a Key Terms list for each chapter, an expanded glossary, and H5P chapter self-tests.”

Professional Studies

  1. Introduction to Food Production and Service, by Beth Egan, The Pennsylvania State University Open Resource Publishing (2021). License: CC BY.
    “Food service is a dominant segment of the hospitality industry that represents a significant proportion of the economy. The restaurant industry is approximately an $800 billion dollar industry. The average household spends nearly 50% of its food dollars in restaurants. Food service is also a significant employer. Approximately fifteen million individuals are employed in food service establishments, and 10% of the U.S. workforce is employed in restaurants… This book has been prepared for students studying hospitality management in the School of Hospitality Management at The Pennsylvania State University.”
  2. Workplace Writing: A Handbook for Common Workplace Genres and Professional Writing, by Anna Goins, Cheryl Rauh, Danielle Tarner, Daniel Von Holten, New Prairie Press (2016). License: CC BY-NC-SA.
    “This handbook is designed for a generalized business writing course that seeks to meet the needs of a variety of student majors and career interests. In it you will find: descriptions and discussions of common genres, both routine and formal, print and electronic, and in-class activities and sample assignments. You will also find commentary on how to adapt the writing process to the rhetorical constraints of a workplace as well as how to think about, conduct, and use research outside an academic setting.”

Technology & Design

  1. Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet, by Thomas W. Murphy, eScholarship, University of California (2021).
    “The message throughout is that humanity faces a broad sweep of foundational problems as we inevitably transition away from fossil fuels and confront planetary limits in a host of unprecedented ways—a shift whose scale and probable rapidity offers little historical guidance. Salvaging a decent future requires keen awareness, quantitative assessment, deliberate preventive action, and—above all—recognition that prevailing assumptions about human identity and destiny have been cruelly misshapen by the profoundly unsustainable trajectory of the last 150 years.  The goal is to shake off unfounded and unexamined expectations, while elucidating the relevant physics and encouraging greater facility in quantitative reasoning.”
  2. Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers, by Jiri Lebl, (2020). License: CC BY-SA.
    “A first course on differential equations, aimed at engineering students. The prerequisite for the course is the basic calculus sequence. This OER is usable as a standalone textbook or as a companion to a course using another book, such as Edwards and Penney, Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling or Boyce and DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (section correspondence to these two is given). The author developed and used this book to teach Math 286 and Math 285 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign”

Cailean Cooney, Assistant Professor, OER Librarian: ccooney@citytech.cuny.edu
Joshua Peach, Adjunct Reference & OER Librarian: jpeach@citytech.cuny.edu
Joanna Thompson, Adjunct OER Librarian: jthompson@citytech.cuny.edu 

New and Noteworthy OER 3/19

New and Noteworthy is the City Tech Library OER Team’s weekly roundup of new and noteworthy OER. We try to include at least one OER relevant to each school at City Tech in every post. At the end of the month, these resources will be compiled and distributed by the library liaison for your department. Please contact us if you know of new or particularly interesting OER to share with our colleagues or would like more information about OER initiatives at City Tech. 

Arts & Sciences 

  1. Romanticism and Time: Literary Temporalities, edited by Sophie Laniel-Musitelli and Céline Sabiron (2021). License: CC BY.
    “‘Eternity is in love with the productions of time’. This original edited volume takes William Blake’s aphorism as a basis to explore how British Romantic literature creates its own sense of time. It considers Romantic poetry as embedded in and reflecting on the march of time, regarding it not merely as a reaction to the course of events between the late-eighteenth and mid-nineteenth centuries, but also as a form of creative engagement with history in the making. The authors offer a comprehensive overview of the question of time from a literary perspective, applying a diverse range of critical approaches to Romantic authors from William Blake and Percy Shelley to John Clare and Samuel Rodgers. […] Romanticism and Time will be of great value to literary scholars and students working in Romantic Studies. It will be of further interest to philosophers and historians working on the connections between philosophy, history and literature during the nineteenth century.”

  2. General Biology OER Lab Manual, by Dmitry Y. Brogun, Azure N. Faucette, Kristin Polizzotto, and Farshad Tamari (2020). License: CC BY-NC-SA.
    An open biology lab manual developed by faculty at Kingsborough Community College to boost online student engagement in biology courses.

Professional Studies

  1. Introduction to Epidemiology, by Dr. Nancyruth Leibold (2021). License: CC BY-NC-SA.
    A learning module on introductory epidemiology topics. This activity should take less than 60 minutes of time. Quiz questions are included. The learner will be able to: define epidemiology, describe the three main types of epidemiology, explain the epidemiology triangle, define common epidemiology terms, apply epidemiology practices to an outbreak incident, and define primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.

  2. Scientific Inquiry in Social Work, by Matthew DeCarlo, Open Social Work Education (2018). License: CC BY-NC-SA.
    “As an introductory textbook for social work students studying research methods, this book guides students through the process of creating a research project. Students will learn how to discover a researchable topic that is interesting to them, examine scholarly literature, formulate a proper research question, design a quantitative or qualitative study to answer their question, carry out the design, interpret quantitative or qualitative results, and disseminate their findings to a variety of audiences.”

Technology & Design

  1. A Brief Introduction to Engineering Computation with MATLAB, by Serhat Beyenir, OpenStax-CNX (2016). License: CC BY.
    “A Brief Introduction to Engineering Computation with MATLAB is specifically designed for students with no programming experience. However, students are expected to be proficient in First Year Mathematics and Sciences and access to good reference books are highly recommended. Students are assumed to have a working knowledge of the Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows operating systems. The strategic goal of the course and book is to provide learners with an appreciation for the role computation plays in solving engineering problems. MATLAB specific skills that students are expected to be proficient at are: write scripts to solve engineering problems including interpolation, numerical integration and regression analysis, plot graphs to visualize, analyze and present numerical data, and publish reports.”

  2. AutoCAD 3D eBook, by Wally Baumback, Vancouver Community College (2021). License: CC BY.
    “The AutoCAD 3D eBook was written as a tool to guide and teach you to master AutoCAD. No two students learn at the same pace, therefore the eBooks were written with competency-based modules. The competency-based modules are bite-size pieces that allows you to work at your own pace. They can be used to learn by distance education, correspondence, online, instructor-lead classes, or by individuals teaching themselves to use AutoCAD in their own home or office. This eBook was designed to be used on AutoCAD software that was designed for the Windows operating system. An editable, Pressbooks version of this textbook is under development.”

Cailean Cooney, Assistant Professor, OER Librarian: ccooney@citytech.cuny.edu
Joshua Peach, Adjunct Reference & OER Librarian: jpeach@citytech.cuny.edu
Joanna Thompson, Adjunct OER Librarian: jthompson@citytech.cuny.edu 

New and Noteworthy OER 3/12

New and Noteworthy is the City Tech Library OER Team’s weekly roundup of new and noteworthy OER. We try to include at least one OER relevant to each school at City Tech in every post. At the end of the month, these resources will be compiled and distributed by the library liaison for your department. Please contact us if you know of new or particularly interesting OER to share with our colleagues or would like more information about OER initiatives at City Tech. 

Arts & Sciences 

  1. Teaching Math and Science to Young Children, compiled by Sherese Mitchell, Hostos Community College (2021). License: CC BY-NC-SA.
    “In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on developing and testing new early math curricula.  The development of these curricula was informed by research focused on the mechanisms of learning math, and recent studies that test the impact of early math curricula show that devoting time to specific math activities as part of the school curriculum is effective in improving children’s math learning before and at the beginning of elementary school. Research evidence also suggests that children’s math achievement, when they enter kindergarten, can predict later reading achievement; foundational skills in number and operations may set the stage for reading skills. […] This textbook provides excellent guidance for teaching both math and science to young students.”
  2. Arab Media Systems, edited by Carola Richter and Claudia Kozman (2021). License: CC BY.
    “This volume provides a comparative analysis of media systems in the Arab world, based on criteria informed by the historical, political, social, and economic factors influencing a country’s media. Reaching beyond classical western media system typologies, Arab Media Systems brings together contributions from experts in the field of media in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to provide valuable insights into the heterogeneity of this region’s media systems. It focuses on trends in government stances towards media, media ownership models, technological innovation, and the role of transnational mobility in shaping media structure and practices.”

Professional Studies

  1. Public Health in Pharmacy Practice: A Casebook, by  Jordan R Covvey, Vibhuti Arya, Natalie A. DiPietro Mager, Neyda V. Gilman, MaRanda Herring, Stephanie Lukas, Leslie Ochs, and Lindsay Waddington, Milne Open Textbooks (2020). License: CC BY-NC
    “Public Health in Pharmacy Practice: A Casebook is a collaboration of over thirty-five experts in public health pharmacy. The twenty-one chapters cover a broad array of topics relevant to pharmacy applications of public health: cross-cultural care, health literacy and disparities, infectious disease, health promotion and disease prevention, medication safety, women’s and rural health and more. Each chapter contains learning objectives and an introduction to the topic, followed by a case and questions. The chapter closes with commentary from the authors and patient-oriented considerations for the topic at hand.”
  2. Like Nobody’s Business: An Insider’s Guide to How US University Finances Really Work, by Andrew C. Comrie, Open Book Publishers (2021). License: CC BY.
    “From flagship public research universities to small, private liberal arts colleges, there are few aspects of these institutions associated with more confusion, myths or lack of understanding than how they fund themselves and function in the business of higher education. Using simple, approachable explanations supported by clear illustrations, this book takes the reader on an engaging and enlightening tour of how the money flows. How does the university really pay for itself? Why do tuition and fees rise so fast? Why do universities lose money on research? Do most donations go to athletics? Grounded in hard data, original analyses, and the practical experience of a seasoned administrator, this book provides refreshingly clear answers and comprehensive insights for anyone on or off campus who is interested in the business of the university: how it earns its money, how it spends it, and how it all works.”

Technology & Design

  1. Traffic Flow Theory: An introduction with exercises, by Victor L. Knoop, TU Delft Open (2021). License: CC BY-NC-SA.
    “Traffic processes cause several problems in the world. Traffic delay, pollution are some of it. They can be solved with the right road design or traffic management (control) measure. Before implementing these designs of measures, though, their effect could be tested. To this end, knowledge of traffic flow theory is needed.”
  2. Engineering Thermodynamics. Thermal Equation of State, by Natalia Muñoz-Rujas, Eduardo Montero, Gabriel Rubio-Pérez, and Mohamed Lifi, Universidad de Burgos Online (2021).  License: CC BY-NC-SA.
    “This video shows, from experimentation, the interdependence of the pressure, volume and temperature properties in fluids, as well as obtaining the vaporization curve (P-T) and the (P-V) diagram of a fluid.”

Cailean Cooney, Assistant Professor, OER Librarian: ccooney@citytech.cuny.edu
Joshua Peach, Adjunct Reference & OER Librarian: jpeach@citytech.cuny.edu
Joanna Thompson, Adjunct OER Librarian: jthompson@citytech.cuny.edu 

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