Good day! My name is Kevin, and I am a Mechanical Engineering Technology Major. My pronouns are he/him and I would like to be addressed as so. My hobbies include I watching anime, reading comics and discussing topics related to social media/personal life. I am African American but my parents are from a Caribbean country called Guyana. I was born and raise in Queens, New York. Though, I have never been to Guyana I have a strong heritage in the culture.  I feel like college is an interesting experience that is frustrating because, it gets overwhelming at times. It is a lot to try and maintain a school/ work life but I am managing so far.

The image above is a picture that I took around Christmas Time, at the Jones Beach State Park. This digital animation is apart of the annual Magic of lights, a drive-through holiday LED show. This picture makes me feel happy that people in this world are capable of finding love. I think that true love is a rare feeling to find because it hard to search for that one person who is going to communicate, be honest, make you happy. This picture shows a physical representation of two people displaying love to the world (with the crowd watching below in the cars).  And I have been so lucky to be one of those people to find love.