
Thank you for a thought-provoking semester during a period in which international events have caused enormous challenges to journalists trying to practice their trade. Never has the battle for a free press and free speech been so fraught with risk and danger.

I leave you with an article from the Queens College Student Newspapers about journalism opportunities across CUNY. I should add that I am just beginning my own new project: an attempt to build a larger journalism presence at City Tech (hopefully, we’ll have a minor one day and perhaps even a Journalism Center).

I also want you to look at an important project run by Media Professor Nolan Higdon, called Modern Censorship. It focuses on the challenges of doing quality journalism today and provides links to additional journalism opportunities.


Be sure to finish revising your OpEds. Most of you can revise your OpEd on the same document in our google docs drive: HERE.

Be sure to also upload your final journalism project proposals (Due Wed., Dec. 20).


You can use the following template:

Project Title: _______________________

Paragraph One (Description): Describe what your feature story or project is specifically about. What form will it take (website, feature article in a magazine, podcast, documentary film, book)?  Who is your expected audience? Will it include photography, video links, charts, a timeline?  

Paragraph Two (Interest): Explain what makes your project or story interesting or newsworthy.  Consider its potential impact, its timeliness, its human interest, and/or its educational value.

Paragraph Three (Sources): Will it involve interviewing people? Will you rely on expert sources? Will it involve original reporting and/or observation on the ground? Will it utilize social media (which platforms)?

If you are unsure about a project topic, consider expanding your OpEd topic into a larger work of some kind. Explain what additional research and/or journalism tools you could include to reach a wider audience [if a book, what might be the table of contents].

Please stay in touch with any questions or concerns you may have.