ENG1151 Fall 2023

Odalis Cruz

My name is Odalis Cruz and my pronouns are she/her. I’m from Brooklyn and my major is business in technology of fashion and I’m a sophomore. I enjoy spending time with my family and, I love sitting outside my house and enjoying nature and the weather. Some media topics that interest me are podcasts and videos, and learning about current events environmental issues, and immigration. I feel good about it being my second year in college the first year I was a nervous wreck, but now that I know how everything works I feel more confident.

The picture below I took this summer while I was in Mexico. Every summer I go over there and visit my family there and I really enjoy my time there and I miss it. I love it over there it is so much different than over here and that is the main thing I look forward to each summer.  

1 Comment

  1. Sphear

    Hi Odalis,

    Good to hear that you are settling into college!

    I also enjoy learning about environmental issues and immigration. Khan academy is a great source to learn about environmental issues. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NASA are also two great sources. The EPA reports on a variety of environmental and health issues. NASA posts weekly articles about ongoing environmental issues such as the current wildfires.

    I like the picture you posted and how it captures the transition between daytime and a stormy night. 

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