Waleed Yahya

Hello everyone,

My name is Waleed Yahya , pronouns he/him. I’m from YEMEN. Currently living in Brooklyn. My current major is health science, my goal is to become a radiologist technologist. Hopefully after getting my degree in health science I’ll be applying to the radiology program. Which one of my cousins graduated from last year, which got me more interested  about rad tech and confidence to move on forward with my goal. My favorite sport is soccer I love playing it with my cousins and friends. I love going on trips to different places with friends and family.

idk why the picture is kinda blurry but i took this picture at a trip my friends and i went to the poconos mountains. it was one of the best trips i ever went to because it was during the winter and we had so much fun playing with the snow and the hot tub in the middle of the night. we stayed there four 3 days, went to different places and restaurants.

thanks for reading, wish everyone the best during this semester.


  1. Jessica GP

    Hello Waleed,

    I don’t know much about the radiology program but I have been exposed to taking Dental x-rays as a dental assistant. I’m sure what you are trying to do is more involved but I just think the invention of the X-ray itself was amazing as it has helped diagnose further in some cases. I’ve also been to the Poconos and think is good to visit every time just as an escape from the city. What other places would you like to visit? Hope you have a good semester.

    • Mariam Otero

      Jessica, it’s fascinating that I found out in my initial radiology class that the X-Ray was discovered by accident! A physicist working on an experiment stumbled upon it. The very first x-ray was of his wife’s hand, complete with her wedding ring. However, he also had to learn the dangers of x-rays when his co-worker that assisted him ended up losing both hands, and soon after his life due to complications.

  2. Bai Ngai

    Hi Waleed,

    Your vacation picture looks fun, I really need to finish school and head to the poconos too. Hope the semester goes well for you.

    Best Bai.

  3. Mariam Otero

    Hi Waleed! I’m actually planning to join the Rad Tech program too. I’m wrapping up my pre-reqs and aiming to get accepted for the fall 2024 enrollment. It’s quite a competitive field, as I’ve heard from many. Best of luck to both of us in securing those spots!

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