New York: Before the City

New Sanderson’s documentary, “new York: Before the City” is a fascinating journey through time, showing the unknown stories and landscapes of New York.  One thing that stood out to me is that, Sanderson’s astounding research took us through a thoughtful provoking odyssey, elaborating on the forgotten ecosystems and the indigenous people who once inhabited this land.  From this documentary, I understood the New York of   before to the New York of Now; overpopulated, saturated, busy and and dirty. The New York of before had is richness which is now been forgotten. This documentary is important to watch for those who are curious about the  history of  New York.

Ned Blackhawk’s Article, Without  Indigenous History, There is No US History

The article ” Without Indigenous History, There is No US History” serve a compelling reminder that Native American history play in the broader narrative of the United State.  This article is from Ned Blackhawk’s book “The Rediscovery of  America: Native people and the unmaking of US History. It trace Native Americans history from the early days of Spanish Colonial exploration   to present era of Indian self-determination and then showcase the enduring significance if indigenous people’s experiences and their struggles.