Week 1–introduction

Hello everyone,

My name is Rujin Chen. My pronoun is she/her. This is my senior year and the third time taking Professor Noonan’s class. I am a returned student, my first year in Citytech was back in 2012. I took a long break after the first year in dental. I did graduate the AAS in Spring 2022 after this long break. It wasn’t easy for me since my jobs and personal congested schedule, but I did it. I feel schooling seems never too late for me, maybe because I’m a no rush person. I’m a full-time student at this semester, and hopefully I will finish 2 more classes (Econ2403,Hsa 4740) and graduate Bachelor Degree in Health Service Administration next Spring. Again, I’m busy, very very busy. But I always try to make time for myself and enjoy the “alone” time. I want to finish the Bachelor Degree in HSA for my personal growth and I really have spent some quality time in trying it. I work full time as a case manager in a home care agency and handle payroll and billing remotely since 2021. Besides, I have a second job as a part-time home health aide for a nursing home and home care agency since 2018. I interact with many people a day, mostly my patients, home aides, nurses, social workers and health care professors from the nursing home, home care agencies and managed-long-term-care insurance companies that assigned to me. In this long-term-care relationship business,I have learned a lot of things during all these years in these facilities.Besides, in the payroll and billing departments I have learned so much about the cost-earned (give and take) relationship for  home care business. I really appreciate the opportunities and people that work with me all along the ways. I have met so many wonderful people in this home care industry and they have helped me understand the most complicated situations among “old, weak, sick, poor” patients in direct patient care. I believe people’s true hearts are inspirational. I like my jobs and I will keep on my work ethic and hopefully get a good return in a long way.

Summer fun for the kids weekly, but I’m tired. The most toughest situation/concern for me now is parenting. Kids are the most trouble makers and in a  innocent way. What can you do? However, I always want to go back my little childhood at the same time. I miss that innocent time and when look at them when they are always sleeping tight like a  baby, I envy them. In a blink of eye, we are all grown up and our kids are growing up.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Mariam Otero

    Wow, Rujin! Your busy schedule sounds extremely demanding. Balancing school, two jobs, and parenting two children is quite an accomplishment. Your children are lucky to have such a dedicated role model. Best wishes for the future!

  2. Mark Noonan


    How nice to have you in another course! Your work in the health care industry for the elderly is very noble, impressive, and important.

    Prof. Noonan

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