Category: Our Community

Intro to Me

My name is Anthony Martino, but most people prefer to call me by my last name. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, but my goal is to own some sort of property down south. I am currently a freshman here at City Tech majoring in Electrical Engineering. So far some of my classes are a little out of my comfort zone, but you have to do what you have to do sometimes. I don’t really have a life goal on what I’d want to be although I’m excited to see how this path in life will take me.

This is a tenor saxophone which is also my favorite instrument. Although I’m more familiar with the clarinet from the tenor has always been so appealing to me. The fact that you play both Classical and Jazz songs on the same instrument makes it all the more fun to play. My favorite piece of music which was also one of the hardest was “Vesuvius”, it was 6 pages long all in all the song lasted up 7 minutes.I’ve been contemplating on if I should one of my own but at the same time it would cause me a great pain to just let it catch dust if I don’t use it.

Breaking The Ice


My name is Ayman Ghanem this is my first semester in college at City Tech. My Pronouns are he and him. I was born and raised in Brooklyn in a pretty religious family with deep connections to our beliefs. Although I’m not as religious as my family I do hope to become more like them in the future. A major reason for this is due to my strong feelings towards loving and being close to my family.  A couple hobbies I enjoy are playing sports mainly football and also playing video games. I had a job this summer so I didn’t really get to do neither of them but I did make a good amount of money so it was a win situation for me.


The car you see is a 2018 Dodge Challenger I hope in the future I could own. The reason why I am so fixated on this car is in the 6th grade I seen this same exact car picking up a classmate of mine. Seeing it really lightened up my eyes from the spoiler on the back to the colored wheels and custom rims. To show how motivated I was I had a job every Saturdays and Sundays, i would also work full-time in summer did this for 3 years straight currently still doing it. I have more then enough to buy it but its maintaining it that’s holding me back. I am hoping in the next 2 years I have enough saved up to be confident enough to buy.

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