Spring 2023

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Jesus Acosta

Hello, I’m Jesus but you could call me Jr. My pronouns are he/him. I was born and raised in the Bronx, but my mom is from Honduras. I am a major in Computer Engineering and math is usually my best subject.  My favorite thing to do in NYC is to play soccer. Fortunately New York City has plenty of fields and pitches to play.  Another hobby I enjoy is skateboarding though I haven’t in a while.  Beginning college is just another step I have to take to success and it’s my pleasure to work with you all.

This is the moment Messi lifted the World Cup. This photo is important to me not only because it is when Messi and Argentina won the World Cup, but because at this moment I was celebrating with my siblings. We were watching the game with a crowd of people at the World Trade Center. When Argentina was declared the winner the entire crowd went wild. This will forever be a core memory for me.

Kellie Cottotorres

I have not written anything in a very long time so bare with me in my writing form of introducing myself. So, here we go I will try not to  make it too bland and boring.
I am a life long New Yorker and I live in the Bronx. My pronouns are she/her. My interest are fitness and just enjoy the outdoors when the weather is pleasant. When, I do have the time I do go on walks at the park or go be a tourist in your own city sometimes is fun. I have found many cool cruises that go on the rivers that can be calming or just a night out. Sports fan as well, teams are Knicks, Giants and of course Yankees!

I also nerd out with computers, they are so interesting to me. They way they communicate, work or interact with us humans. But, that probably all started when my dad showed me how to work on cars. It was something about wanting to know what parts work together or made everything work better. Okay, I being a total nerd right now.

This is a picture of one my outings in the Bronx on the High Bridge Line. On a hot summer day the breeze is always great, but it’s to show that there is a lot to do in the Bronx, not just the Zoo or Yankee games. I think people don’t think about the Bronx like that… that’s why the people who live here are very defensive and proud to be from and live I in “The Bronx”.







Tiffany Norwood

My name is Tiffany Norwood, I’m from Queens born and raised. I also moved to Alabama when I was younger but I moved back to New York when I was 6 or 7 years old. My pronouns are she or her. My major is nursing, at first I wanted to go into psychology then I realized that it wasn’t something I wanted to do for the rest of my life but helping people get better was. Some of my hobbies are sleeping, taking walks while listening to music or doing yoga. The way i felt about beginning college was happy and nervous because it was a new environment from high school and I didn’t know people so I had to start over making friends, which was nerve-racking since I’m shy and usually don’t talk to people first. College was something I always wanted after high school and I’m glad I made the decision to go.

   This is my cat named Tiger. He’s meaningful to me because my grandma gave me him when I was 8 years old. As you can tell from the age difference from then and now, he is a very old cat. I say he’s meaningful to me because we are always with each other when I’m home. He sleeps with me and likes when I rub his head and the side of his face. I think of him as my emotional pet even though he doesn’t have training for it. Yes, my family is meaningful to me but it’s something about Tiger that makes him even more meaningful.

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