Wall Decal

The last project that I worked on at Captiv8 was the typographic wall decal to be placed in the design department. I worked on this project on and off for about two weeks. The owner of Captiv8, Larry, decided that he wanted something to spruce up the office and give clients something beautiful to look at when they first walk in. I was given an example of a typographic wall decal that Larry found online and told to mimic it and just change a few words. However, after I received more instructions, details, and advice on how to make this wall decal better, I realized that by the time I was finished with it, I had made it my own. Larry was also surprised and did not expect to see nearly that many changes. My last day at Captiv8, I finished the wall decal. Since I left before the order for the wall decal was put in, I never got to see the final product. Juan assured me that once the wall decal was put up, he would take pictures and send it to me. He said he would also do the same for me with the other projects I worked on throughout my time there.

The template I was told to follow:          This is my final version:



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