Monthly Archives: November 2016

Principles of Animation

Video of 12 principles, simplified.

HOW Magazine

Illusion of Life Basic Forms

12 Principles of Animation

Final Assignment: Create an animated GIF using three of the 12 principles of animation.

ā€¢ Week 1:

Sketch and storyboard your idea. (Due December 6.)

ā€¢ Week 2: December 6

In Class we will learn how to animate using Photoshop’s Timeline tool.

Begin to assemble and animate your GIF

Review for final Quiz


ā€¢ Week 3: December 20 | LAST CLASS

Final Quiz

Have final GIFs uploaded to Eportfolio BEFORE CLASS.


From the Mouth of Babes and other Audio Basics

Below are two youtubeĀ linksĀ we will be watching in class today.The first is a Louis Armstrong Recording of the French Song La Vie En Rose (English Translation: Life in Rosy Hues or through Rose-colored glasses). If you have not heard song before, it is a very well known song throughout France by well-known singer Edith Pilar. It was firstĀ released as a single in 1947. A 1997 version was released by Grace Jones and was an international hit and has been covered since as well.

The second link is the same song as it was featured in the Disney/Pixar movie, “Wall-E”.

The thirdĀ link is of a commercial made by TBWA ParisĀ for a Supermarket chain in France, U Supermarkets. The target audience for this ad is the French consumer.

After lookingĀ at these together Iā€™d like you to write a short paragraph about whether you thought the sound was effectively done in the commercial. Could you hear the similarities between the music in the Armstrong audio and that of theĀ commercial?Ā Give meĀ at least 3 reasonsĀ why you felt it was effective or not effective. Write this paragraph as a post on your ePortfolio.

Now that weā€™ve focused a little bit on how sound can possibly dominate or lead a visual piece, letā€™s go into the science of sound. Below is a lecture on sound for you to download to your computer and view together with me.


Sound Cannon

ePortfolio | MidTerm Goals

Your site should have, at minimum, these items:

  • CUSTOM HEADER – designed by you, not stretched or squeezed to fit
    • 3 final visual quotes
      • Text Only
      • Text and Image/Lineart
      • Text and Photograph
    • Sketch versions/Process
    • Reflective
    • Write about three pieces that spoke to you from the collection