Interview Project

This being our final project, we focused on video as a media and how to edit as professionally as possible. In doing so, we were to interview a classmate where I got to get to know them with my both design-based and personal-based questions. Filming wise, I was inspired by Vogue’s popular “73 Questions” interviews with different celebrities and wanted to replicate their style straying from “traditional” interviews. Though, the biggest challenges I came across was when it came to editing my video effectively using a program I was not familiar with using. I spent a lot of time trying to decide how I wanted it to look—more specifically where my text was going to go, where I was going to cut the video and what effects I wanted to use. I stayed simple especially given my now very basic understandings of Premiere Pro. But overall, I enjoyed this project the most and learned that there are professional techniques in editing any type of video effectively such as using the rule of thirds not only as a graphic design method and how much using subtle music makes a big difference in playback. | Final Interview