Tag Archives: tech

“See Through Rain” Intel’s Project

A completely different way that engineers found to use technology is on their headlights. People may ask what is wrong with the headlights of a car. Actually there isn’t anything wrong with the common headlights but engineers at Intel and Carnegie Mellon University … Continue reading

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Using Bionic Technology for People with Disabilities (part II)

Bionic technology does not stop with the invention of the bionic hand which could also have an extra of 24 different movements of the fingers. Something even more challenging that that would be a Bionic Ear made out of a … Continue reading

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Using Bionic Technology for People with Disabilities (part I)

 As we all know, all of our body parts are very complex. When talking especially about a bionic hand that is controlled by simply an Iphone application, then this sends us to a complicatedly different dimension. Usually a normal hand makes many challenging … Continue reading

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