A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Category: Discussions



DUE BY 11:59 pm SAT SEPT 5



READ:  Read the course syllabus.


WRITE/POST:  On BLACKBOARD DISCUSSIONS, write message to your end-of-the-semester self. In this time capsule, I want you to send a message to your end-of-the semester self about your goals, your hopes for the year, and maybe some pitfalls you feel you might be up against.  Please also think about how writing will help you achieve your future goals– not just for the end of the semester, but beyond. A paragraph, about 8 sentences, give or take. For fun, include an image in the post. Whatever you think will help us get to know you better.


GET TO KNOW: Look at your colleagues’ time capsules and start a conversation!  Make at least two comments. Kind comments only!


READ: “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn. 


In this article, Bunn says that his students suggest that the advice they would give to future students is that they “write yourself notes and summaries both during and after reading.” So I’d like you to do that. Please take out a piece of paper and a pen (or pencil) and have it beside you as you read. Just write down whatever stands out to you from the text– jot down a few key words. Doodle! Write a summary. Write a question. There are no right or wrong answers here.





WRITE/POST:  On BLACKBOARD DISCUSSIONS, write a post of at least 300 words discussing the following questions.


  • In his article, Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author.” He’s talking to What do you think he means by this? What are some of the things you write already?  (Hint: “Nothing” is not an acceptable answer.) Think of all of the ways you already use words in your everyday life. That’s authorship! How will that existing expertise help you in your college reading and writing career?


  • Was there anything you noticed in Bunn’s article that you would like to try to do in your own writing? What, in particular? Please be specific!



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