Your feedback and ideas about Learning Places will help us make the course better in the future. Please contribute your thoughts about this semester of Learning Places here.
Professors Montgomery and Leonard
Your feedback and ideas about Learning Places will help us make the course better in the future. Please contribute your thoughts about this semester of Learning Places here.
Hope everyone’s having a good week and staying safe and healthy. As you know, drafts of the script for the final projects are due on Thursday. You don’t need to submit them as you would a formal, graded assignment, but each team should be able to share it with us during the 1 on 1 team meetings. Be ready with any questions you have about the final presentations. Our schedule Thursday follows a familiar pattern, starting with a meeting with everybody at 9am; see below for zoom link and schedule of team meetings. One person from each team should schedule a meeting and invite all members and your instructors.
City Tech Library NYCCT is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Learning Places | 5/7/20
Time: May 7, 2020 9AM Eastern Time (I will start the meeting a little bit early)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 931 0217 0094
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 931 0217 0094
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Team 1: 9:35-10:05
Team 2: 10:10-10:40
Team 3: 10:45-11:15
Team 4: 11:20-11:50
Team 5 11:55-12:25
Please review these questions in advance of our visit to Interference Archive via video tomorrow:
Many teams’ research questions look at relationships between: Environment / Architecture & Development / Humans (health, jobs, culture, community). As you watch the exhibition video please consider the following for our post-viewing discussion:
How does the exhibit illustrate relationships between environment and other social justice causes (race, labor, capitalism, etc)?
Which of these intersections are also things you’ve observed and thought about in relation to the Gowanus?
Focus on (and write down) 1 or 2 organizations or events mentioned in the exhibition video. Have you encountered these organizations or their work in the course of your research? What do you think makes their work effective (or not)?
Hope everyone is doing well this week. Annotated bibliographies are due on Thursday 4/30 (5pm!) and we’ll have a brief all-class meeting followed by short team check-ins. We’ll use the second half of Thursday’s class meeting to visit Interference Archive and tour the exhibit A Visual History of Climate Justice. Stay tuned for discussion questions. Teams should be prepared to introduce themselves and their research question to our facilitators.
9-9:20 all class meeting: looking ahead to script drafts for 5/7 and the final project
Team check-ins; one person on each team should invite your teammates and your instructors to the meeting
9:25-9:40 Team 1
9:45-10:00 Team 2
10:05-10:20 Team 3
10:25-10:40 Team 4
10:45-10:55 Team 5
11-12:30: Interference Archive visit starts at 11 sharp, resuming (re-zooming?) the same zoom meeting as below). Stay tuned for discussion questions to review in advance of our visit; be prepared to join in the discussion after we view the exhibition video.
Join the class meeting here:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 954 5822 6203
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+16465588656,,95458226203# US (New York)
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 954 5822 6203
Find your local number:
Thanks, everyone, for productive conversations about your outlines and bibliographies today. Final versions of team outlines are due by 5pm today and annotated bibliographies are due next Thursday 4/30. Projects are coming together and I am really impressed with your consistency given these very difficult times. Here’s a guide to writing an annotated bibliography, including verbs and phrases for writing about texts. The Purdue OWL has a guide as well. Remember that your annotations should really reflect on how that source helps you answer your question. Make the summary as short as possible, and don’t pad your word count by restating the author’s name or the document title. Each person on a team should cite and annotate 3 sources, and each annotation should be at least 100 words. A source does not have to be text; it can be visual, like a photo, map, or documentary video. Aim for a mix of primary and secondary sources, and if you have questions, please get in touch.
A few of the places to further your research mentioned in class:
Brooklyn Community District 6 Profile – demographic data and a lot more
Digital Collections from the New York Public Library – historical photos and maps, free for everyone; also the map warper for georectified historical fire insurance maps
Digitized historical Brooklyn newspapers, especially the Brooklyn Eagle (1841-1963) – free for everyone from the Brooklyn Public Library
Social Explorer to explore current and historical demographic data and create thematic maps – log in with the LIB barcode from your college ID.
For 24/7 research help, chat with a librarian.
I’ll post details about our virtual field trip to Interference Archive as soon as I can.
Stay safe and healthy, everyone.
Here’s the link to join:
Meeting ID: 993 4422 5051
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,99344225051# US (New York)
+13126266799,,99344225051# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
I hope everyone is healthy and enduring these plague days. The team outline is due tomorrow and early submissions are encouraged if your team would like some early feedback. Please submit the outline on the team project site as either a post or a page. We’ll spend time in class discussing the annotated bibliography assignment, the final assignment and script, and next Thursday’s virtual field trip to Interference Archive. Team meetings are devoted to outline review and feedback, preparing to write the annotated bibliography, and the script for the final project. Please bring any questions you have about the projects for the rest of the semester.
We’ll stick with the same schedule for tomorrow’s class:
General Class meeting: 9AM -9:25AM
TEAM 1 MEETING: 9:30AM-10:05AM
TEAM 2 MEETING: 10:10AM-10:45AM
TEAM 3 MEETING: 10:50AM-11:25AM
TEAM 4 MEETING: 11:30AM-12:05PM
TEAM 5 MEETING: 12:05PM-12:40PM
Teams 1-5, please invite your professors to your team meeting before the scheduled time.
Take care and be well, everyone. See you tomorrow.
Thanks for a productive class today. All teams are making good progress. As always, reach out with questions or concerns via email or during office hours.
Here are links to a few of the information resources we discussed:
NYC Then & Now – compare arial photographs between 1924-2018 – historical photos from the NYPL, geocoded
NYPL Map Warper – historical maps overlaid onto the contemporary street grid, especially strong for fire insurance maps; see also NYC fire insurance, topographic, and property maps
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (1841-1963) and other historical digitized newspapers, free from the Brooklyn Public Library
What did I forget? Let me know in the comments.
Outlines are due on 4/23 and annotated bibliographies on 4/30; please post or share your draft outline before Thursday’s meeting to get feedback from Prof. Montgomery and me. See guidelines for each assignment. The OWL offers good advice and examples for outline and annotated bibliography assignments as well.
Please take 5 minutes and fill out the mid-term survey to offer some feedback on how we can make the class better. It’s available until Tuesday 4/21.
Take care and be well, everyone.
I truly hope everyone is healthy and safe during this terrible time. I was definitely cheered up by reading all of the reflective blog posts last week – nice work, everyone! As teams approach the annotated bibliography, it’s good practice to write reflective responses to things you’ve read. On Thursday we will have a regular class meeting at 9 via zoom, and teams will work on outline development and the annotated bibliography.
It looks like we will be able to take one of our field trips virtually. Part of our class meeting on Thursday, April 30 will be an online visit to Interference Archive, an organization close to our study site that preserves artifacts and ephemera of social movements. We will tour the newest exhibit A Visual History of Climate Justice, and learn about the Archive, its collections, and its work.
Don’t forget to take the midterm survey! It is a 6 question survey that seeks your constructive feedback on how we can make this class better. The college decided not to administer Student Evaluations of Teaching this semester, so this is a chance to let us know how it’s going and what could be improved. The survey is open until Friday, April 17 and responses are anonymous.
I hope everyone is doing well. As you make progress with research for Learning Places and projects in your other courses, you may need access to scholarly and primary sources, including ebooks and articles, from the library’s online resources. Log in with the activated library barcode from your college ID. Type your LIB barcode number here to see if your ID has been activated for the semester. If you see the message Full library access granted. Hurray! you are good for the semester. If you get the barcode does not exist in this database… message, please email me the information below and I’ll get your ID activated:
– Name
– 14 digit library number (for details see:
– Mailing address (if possible)
Remember, the digitized archival resources of the New York Public Library, the Brooklyn Public Library, and the primary sources from the NYC Department of City Planning and other NYC agencies are always free and available to everybody, no login required.
Research questions? Let’s talk during my office hour 10-noon tomorrow, or Ask a Librarian (24/7 chat).
~Prof. L.
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