Professors Montgomery and Leonard

Reflection #2

In each film, My Brooklyn, Citizen Jane, Human Scale, and the lecture presentation public space is represented as a means in which people come together from all walks of life and things like music and culture are introduced to people in a way that unites them. My favorite quote of Citizen Jane was ” In the name of people but not for people” on the topic of demolitions happening in downtown Brooklyn and places around the city that many people go shopping, dining, and to enjoy the open space. I think people who aren’t actively participating in a community should not have a choice or a voice on what should come down or what should be built without first consulting the community. This city often focuses on the potential a place can have that could better accommodate the wealthy without thinking of the people who are already there.  This lesson made me appreciate more of the open space I have around me and opened my eyes to the unfortunate reality of gentrification and how unfair it can be for a community who didn’t have a choice in the city planning that has forced many out of their homes.

1 Comment

  1. Diego

    “I think people who aren’t actively participating in a community should not have a choice or a voice on what should come down or what should be built without first consulting the community. This city often focuses on the potential a place can have that could better accommodate the wealthy without thinking of the people who are already there.”

    I agree with what you said about how people who aren’t in the community shouldn’t have voice in what should be built specially without consulting with the community. The problem is that unfortunately developers will do this regardless of the communities backlash. The people who should be held accountable are the ones at the very top who accept and facilitate their proposals.

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