Next week everyone will present their midterm case study analysis and research projects. Presentations should be about 7 minutes long; expect about 3 minutes of Q&A as well. We will form working groups and spend some time sketching, so please bring a notebook and pen or pencil for this activity.

Prof. Montgomery showed us the Living in Brooklyn Conference report from 2019. Rafael pointed us to a very useful EPA website on the Gowanus Canal as a Superfund site. When I was looking around on the NYC  Department of City Planning’s Environmental Review Process site, I found a 2019 draft Scope of Work for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) — only 237 pages long — and contains a lot of contextual information, need for environmental remediation, zoning information, community resources, and more. If you have found other websites or research resources, please share them with everyone in a post on the course blog, or leave a comment below.