How does the MoMA garden relate to other spaces in the city? What makes it

special? How does the architecture relate to the space?


The Museum of Modern Art is a unique institution that provides modern art, historical culture, architectural designs and most importantly a beautiful garden which in my opinion makes the museum to stand up again other museums in New York City. At the museum, each floor at the museum is well categorized and organized which on one floor you can enjoy and observed amazing architectural models and drawings. I believed that the museum not only represents modern architecture but also shows the important connection between modern architecture and nature.

The garden is one of the spaces that interact and connects to the building combining both architecture and nature creating a unique special place to be. In my opinion, the garden is an important open space of the museum which attracts the attention of people as they walk through the museum because the garden is visible through the windows at the upper levels. There are sculptures, rectangular pools, fountains and several seating areas where you can relax and contemplate the beautiful views and features that this garden offers.

If I have to relate the garden of the Museum of Modern Art it would be the Lincoln Center ground design which in my opinion has similar designs and features. For example, both have rectangular pools, incorporated sculptures and enclosed spaces surrounded by buildings.  I can tell that both spaces represent modern architecture with nature and modern features.

In conclusion, the garden at MoMA is one of the unique and special spaces in New York City with an amazing view of modern art and modern architecture incorporating nature that give a unique image to the building design which both building and garden coherence one each other.