ARCH1231 BTECH I, SP2019

Professor Montgomery

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When we construct structures, we should think about gravity, gravity makes objects fall, we should likewise think about Newton’s third law of movement – for each power following up on the body, the body applies the contrary size on indistinguishable line of activity from the first Power, this fundamentally discloses to us that when we manufacture a building, we should strike a harmony between power. Basic components must pursue the premise of these standards. Basic power is any impact that causes changes in the shape or development of the body. Structures like Coulms help bolster the heaviness of items above it. We should realize that these articles are solid, so they are not squashed or twisted by their own weight. The bars must be sufficient so they don’t fall into the heap (bowing worry) above them, and the curves should likewise have the capacity to help them. The quality and capacity to scatter gravity so they are not obliterated independently.

Structural Forces #3

Collinear: forces occure along a straight line

Vector: the sum of which is the algebric sum of the magnitude of the forces, acting along the sum line of action.

The vector: sum of all forces acting on it must equal zero, ensuring translational equilibrium : M fx =0; M fy =0; M fz =0

Kern area: is the central area of any horizontal sectio of a colum or walls

The polygon method: is a graphic technique for finding the vectors sum of a coplanar system of several concurrent forces by drawing to scale each force vector

Nonconcurrent force: they have lines of action that do not intersecr at a common point , tge vector sum of which is a single force that cuz sum traslation and rotation of a body.


Reading #3

In these readings,  Ching explains to us how force and its uses are applied when it comes to architecture. For certain structures, force is extremely important for supporting weight along with other objects that may be above it. He also explains this with physics using vectors, and not only explains how it works, he also explains why it works. For example, he says with newtons third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. so, with structures this law is applied, and a good example of this would be a column along a plate.if you put one column under a massive plate, chances are that the column would be crushed, or it will buckle. However, if you distribute the weight equally with lets say four columns, chances are the plate’s force and the columns  force’s would balance, or cancel each other out, which would make you reach the state of equilibrium.  These readings all explain how a plate, column, arch, beam, frame, vaults, domes, and joints work under the use of force.


When we build buildings, we must consider gravity, gravity causes objects to fall, we must also consider Newton’s third law of motion – for each force acting on the body, the body exerts the opposite size on the same line of action as the original force Force, this basically tells us that when we build a building, we must strike a balance between power. Structural elements must follow the basis of these rules. Structural force is any effect that causes changes in the shape or movement of the body. Structures like Coulms help support the weight of objects above it. We must know that these objects are strong, so they are not crushed or deformed by their own weight. The beams must be strong enough so that they do not fall into the load (bending stress) above them, and the arches must also be able to support them. The quality and ability to disperse gravity so they are not destroyed separately.

Reading Summary #3

When constructing buildings architects need to take into account that there is a constant driving force going against us. That force is gravity which influences a change in the shape or movement of a body.  Newtons third law of motion ” For every force acting on a body, the body exerts a force having equal magnitude in the opposite direction along the same line of action as the original force”. Which translates to when building things like columns and beams that these things are sturdy and heavy and there needs to be a balanced to the point where the whole building wouldn’t crumble. The same goes for Arches which have to be able to support anything above them so they don’t slide apart.

Reading #3 Structural Components + Forces:

When we construct buildings (this applies for anything) we have to take into account that there is a driving force working against us, this force is known as gravity, this driving force pulls everything down ( or to the center of the planet) we also have to take into account Newtons Third law of motion which states that “ For every force acting on a body, The body exerts a force having equal magnitude in the opposite direction along the same line of action as the original force” This basically tells us that there has to be a balance between forces when we are constructing let’s say buildings. Structural elements all have to follow these base lies of rules. Structures like Coulms which help support the weight of an object above it. We must take into consideration that these objects are sturdy, so they don’t get crushed or buckle under their own weight. Beams must be sturdy enough, so they don’t cave in on loads bearing above them (bending stress), Arches have to be able to support a mass above them as well and be able to disperse the load, so they don’t slide apart.

Reading#3Structural components+Forces

In this reading Ching talks about the different kinds of structures and their functions . He explains that a structural force is any influence that produces a change in the shape or movement of a body. It is considered to be a vector quantity possessing both magnitude and direction. There are also different types of forces like collinear forces which occur along a straight line, and a concurrent force which have lines of action intersecting at a common point. He also speaks about structural equilibrium which in both structural design and analysis, we are concerned first with the magnitude, direction, and pain of application of forces, and their resolution to produce a state of equilibrium. Columns are also introduced in this section and they are rigid, relatively slender structural members designed primarily to support axial compressive loads applied to the ends of the members. There are also different types of beams with different purposes as well.

reading summary #2

This section of the book talks about how the construction of buildings and architecture aren’t really the same but it is useful to know how the different parts of the building come together so that it can be successful, specifically  the physical systems. These systems define, organize, and reinforce the ordering of a building. For example, three types of systems are structural, enclosure, and mechanical. Structural systems is about the building being designed and constructed so that people can access it. The enclosure system is the outside of the building like the roof, exterior walls, windows, and doors. Lastly, the mechanical system is the services that can be provided to a building, like heating and ventilation or the water supply. These three systems all come together even though they deal with different parts.

Reading #2

Architecture and building construction are in common somewhat, but they are different. In our readings, Ching mentioned that architecture is not only about the building, but also about scale, proportions, functional zoning according to a purpose and use, and the building coordinating with its environment. He also talked about the building systems which serves a specific purpose to the buildings. The Structural system is designed and constructed to support and transmit applied gravity; the enclosure systems are the envelope of a building that consists of the roof, exterior walls, doors, and windows; the mechanical systems provide the essential services to a building

Building Components Reading #2

While a building might look like a simple creation there is plenty of thought that goes into it. During this reading Ching shows us that there is a difference between Building Construction and Architecture. It is important to understand how a building is constructed, what elements go into it and what components are used, this will allow us to build architecture but it’s not a full guarantee. There are systems that architects must understand like scale, proportion, organization and essentials like lighting, space, color etc. When a building is constructed there are usually 3 systems that go into account: Structural (holds the building up against gravity), Enclosure (Shell of the building that protects from the elements) and Mechanical (Essential systems). All elements like Columns, beams, exterior walls, windows, and HVAC go into account to create a functional building.

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