Faculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide information about each class for your students. It uses the category “Classes” and can be found under Activities > Classes in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your class posts.

Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting Info: Add online details or in-person location


  • Review content of book for submission and presentation due next class
  • Design Continuity (uniformity of headings, margins, color, etc)
  • Packaging a file
A folder will be created and will include: Indesign Files, PDF, Fonts and Links

See example of a completed book


  • Make sure all elements (assignment) of book are included
  • Understanding design uniformity and continuity throughout a multiple page publication such as a book (for example: keeping headings the same)
  • Learn the differences between a cover page and a title page


  • Type Talk Activity – Found Alphabet
  • Type Challenge Activity – Paragraph Styles InDesign

To-Do After Class

Graphic Assignment
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